Welcome to the page of the cattery Abyssinian cats Sunabyca. Our small closed nursery has been cultivating the cats of the Abyssinian breed since 2000. The basic attention is paid to its health and social adaptation . "Card" of Abyssinian breed, in our opinion, are the cats of ruddy color, the real Children of the sun, as Jean-Paul Maas has described them. We are grateful to Bruce Alexy for the unusual kittens of warm sunny color that justifies the name of our cattery - SUNny ABYssinians CAts. In 2005 our cattery was registered in Terracat Feline Center and The Cat Fancier's Assotiation under name Sunabyca. Our cats regularly participate in the show in different systems CFA, TICA, WCA. We are opened to cooperate with all cats-lovers, organizations and associations interested in the development of the Abyssinian breed in Russia and beyond its boundaries. In 2008 there has arrived the girl from the cattery Stringapurrs, Florida. Many thanks Jean Gullahorn for this marvellous!

Faithfully yours, Boris and Olga Zjablov.